Industrial component repair

We offer a very important service for those companies that regenerate used industrial machinery, for their optimal operational commissioning, and,
subsequently, their sale.

From steel to

Any damaged component, in many types of material: Steel, aluminum, titanium, HPL laminates, various types of plastics, composite fibers.
Our repairs are carried out by means of multiple industrial machinery and, when necessary, also through important collaborating companies.

What do we fix?

I often ask ourselves what do you fix?
We technically repair any organ or apparatus of any kind. What can limit a repair is the formula:

Repair < ​​Original Part Cost

Metal deposition

Through precise welding, we are able to reconstruct the damaged or missing metal, in very complex moulds. Or in those mechanical organs, very expensive, where due to a seizure, certain areas have lost their tolerances.
If you have doubts about the possible repair of a component, contact us!