Terms of use

By accessing any part or section of this Site, you agree to be legally bound by the following terms and conditions.


"Ttitan carbon alluminium" means TCA - company with sole shareholder, with registered office in Via Cacciorna 57, Bra 12042 CN.

Intellectual Property Rights

The information, data, software, photographs, graphics, videos, backgrounds, fonts, graphics, music, sounds, images, illustrations, designs, icons, text and any other material on the Site are works owned by TCA and/or third parties, protected by copyright.
The duplication, reproduction, even if partial, downloading, saving, publication or diffusion by any means and in general any action of transfer or use of the information or material present on the site, in any form, with means and technologies existing or developed in the future, are prohibited in the absence of an explicit notice to the contrary from the owner owner.

Communications and any complaints

TCA will promptly remove the material posted on the Site which turns out to be the property of third parties other than the aforementioned authors or suppliers of the material or section, who can legitimately claim rights or interests in the material or its content, or if the material or its content damages interests or rights protected by law or constitute a violation of the law.
Any request, report or complaint should be sent to:
TCA Via Cacciorna 57, Bra 12042 CN.